INTERVIEW | ‘BJP will win more seats in 2024 Lok Sabha elections’: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh


INTERVIEW | 'BJP will win more seats in 2024 Lok Sabha elections': Defence Minister Rajnath Singh

Express News Service

LUCKNOW: The immense popularity of Prime Minister Narendra Modi among the people will ensure a comfortable win for the BJP and allies in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, feels Defence Minister Rajnath Singh.

Talking to TNIE, he claimed that “People are quite reassured and confident of the central leadership and the way of its working” and even those who voted for other parties in assembly elections will support BJP in the Lok Sabha (LS) polls. He also expressed his views on a host of issues ranging from UCC, Chinese misadventures on the border to Manipur crisis.


Q. Om Prakash Rajbhar has come back to NDA. Many other former allies of the BJP are said to be in talks with the party’s leadership. It seems that the old NDA would be reconstituted.

A. Our NDA families would be stronger than ever. A lot of parties are willing to join our alliance. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s popularity is immense, and parties know that their future is secured within a strong alliance. He has established himself as a global leader and reaffirmed India’s pride abroad.

Q. What are your assessments about the 2024 Lok Sabha elections? Will it be tougher with the opposition trying its best to cobble up a united front against BJP?

A. My assessment is that we are going to win more seats than in the previous Lok Sabha elections of 2019.

Q. But where are numbers going to come from? BJP has lost a couple of states recently and the ground situation has changed in many other states like Bihar.

A. In Karnataka, or for that matter Himachal Pradesh, we might have lost the Assembly elections, but in Lok Sabha polls, we are confident of getting more seats than in 2019. Our number is not going to reduce. Even during the Assembly polls in Karnataka, voters were clear that they would vote for the BJP in 2024 to bring the Modi government back.

In states like Bihar and Maharashtra, the number will be higher than what we had in 2019. In fact, we may make a sweep in Bihar. People are quite confident of the central leadership and the way it is working. Look, the voting preferences of the voters in the Assembly and Lok Sabha elections are entirely different as the issues in both elections are different.

Modi is emerging as a global figure and it is playing a big role in winning over people’s support. This is what is making other political players think of joining NDA. The ruling alliance is going to be stronger with the arrival of many more partners joining us ahead of the big battle in 2024.

Q. But is the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) going to be a nagging issue? Many of your current and prospective allies hold contrary views on UCC.

A. The Central government is trying its best to build a consensus over UCC before proceeding with it. People will be taken into confidence before making any move in that direction. As of now, many people do not have a clear idea of the concept. When people will get the picture clear, I think there won’t be much problem.

Q. What’s the situation on the China border? Rahul Gandhi keeps making the Chinese aggression and encroachment of Indian territory a big political issue.

A. This is uncalled for. It should not be the approach. His statements always seem to be challenging our own army. Recall the day when Atal Bihari Vajpayee Ji had addressed the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi as ‘Durga’ after the 1971 war which led to the formation of Bangladesh. During the confrontation with other countries, especially China, with which we have a long history of confrontation, the entire nation should stand united and firm with one voice.

The fact is that we have got the support of the international community on the issue of Chinese misadventures on the border. Now, even China is expressing its willingness to resolve this dispute. It is because when a country gets strong globally, no one can dare browbeat it and others are bound to listen to it.

Q. The prolonged crisis in Manipur giving a tough time to the government?

A. The government is making continuous efforts to resolve the crisis. The talks are on. The most significant aspect of it is that there should not be any communication gap. The government is treading cautiously. We had given instructions to the Army to practise restraint.

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Q. We have been hearing this for quite some time now. Is there really a Union Cabinet reshuffle on cards?

A. No discussion over the issue has taken place at our level so far.

Q. What is the government’s stand on MP Brijbhushan Sharan Singh? Is he being given a long rope?

A. The case is in the court of law and it will take its course.

Q. As an MP are you happy with the development of your constituency, Lucknow?

A. It’s you who should tell me about this. The manufacturing of BrahMos missiles and the coming up of a textile park in Lucknow reflect the level of growth here. I never made any tall claims but have tried silently to effect a gradual makeover of the state capital.

A lot of infrastructural facilities are on the anvil and they will be delivered in the days to come. The ambitious 104 km outer ring road is 90 per cent ready and should be dedicated to the public by next November. I will never let the growth of Lucknow retard due to the paucity of funds. I may be busy with national responsibilities but ensure that the development projects of my constituency keep on the right and speedy track.

Q. Will you be contesting in 2024?

A.  I hope so.

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LUCKNOW: The immense popularity of Prime Minister Narendra Modi among the people will ensure a comfortable win for the BJP and allies in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, feels Defence Minister Rajnath Singh.

Talking to TNIE, he claimed that “People are quite reassured and confident of the central leadership and the way of its working” and even those who voted for other parties in assembly elections will support BJP in the Lok Sabha (LS) polls. He also expressed his views on a host of issues ranging from UCC, Chinese misadventures on the border to Manipur crisis.

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Q. Om Prakash Rajbhar has come back to NDA. Many other former allies of the BJP are said to be in talks with the party’s leadership. It seems that the old NDA would be reconstituted.

A. Our NDA families would be stronger than ever. A lot of parties are willing to join our alliance. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s popularity is immense, and parties know that their future is secured within a strong alliance. He has established himself as a global leader and reaffirmed India’s pride abroad.

Q. What are your assessments about the 2024 Lok Sabha elections? Will it be tougher with the opposition trying its best to cobble up a united front against BJP?

A. My assessment is that we are going to win more seats than in the previous Lok Sabha elections of 2019.

Q. But where are numbers going to come from? BJP has lost a couple of states recently and the ground situation has changed in many other states like Bihar.

A. In Karnataka, or for that matter Himachal Pradesh, we might have lost the Assembly elections, but in Lok Sabha polls, we are confident of getting more seats than in 2019. Our number is not going to reduce. Even during the Assembly polls in Karnataka, voters were clear that they would vote for the BJP in 2024 to bring the Modi government back.

In states like Bihar and Maharashtra, the number will be higher than what we had in 2019. In fact, we may make a sweep in Bihar. People are quite confident of the central leadership and the way it is working. Look, the voting preferences of the voters in the Assembly and Lok Sabha elections are entirely different as the issues in both elections are different.

Modi is emerging as a global figure and it is playing a big role in winning over people’s support. This is what is making other political players think of joining NDA. The ruling alliance is going to be stronger with the arrival of many more partners joining us ahead of the big battle in 2024.

Q. But is the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) going to be a nagging issue? Many of your current and prospective allies hold contrary views on UCC.

A. The Central government is trying its best to build a consensus over UCC before proceeding with it. People will be taken into confidence before making any move in that direction. As of now, many people do not have a clear idea of the concept. When people will get the picture clear, I think there won’t be much problem.

Q. What’s the situation on the China border? Rahul Gandhi keeps making the Chinese aggression and encroachment of Indian territory a big political issue.

A. This is uncalled for. It should not be the approach. His statements always seem to be challenging our own army. Recall the day when Atal Bihari Vajpayee Ji had addressed the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi as ‘Durga’ after the 1971 war which led to the formation of Bangladesh. During the confrontation with other countries, especially China, with which we have a long history of confrontation, the entire nation should stand united and firm with one voice.

The fact is that we have got the support of the international community on the issue of Chinese misadventures on the border. Now, even China is expressing its willingness to resolve this dispute. It is because when a country gets strong globally, no one can dare browbeat it and others are bound to listen to it.

Q. The prolonged crisis in Manipur giving a tough time to the government?

A. The government is making continuous efforts to resolve the crisis. The talks are on. The most significant aspect of it is that there should not be any communication gap. The government is treading cautiously. We had given instructions to the Army to practise restraint.

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Q. We have been hearing this for quite some time now. Is there really a Union Cabinet reshuffle on cards?

A. No discussion over the issue has taken place at our level so far.

Q. What is the government’s stand on MP Brijbhushan Sharan Singh? Is he being given a long rope?

A. The case is in the court of law and it will take its course.

Q. As an MP are you happy with the development of your constituency, Lucknow?

A. It’s you who should tell me about this. The manufacturing of BrahMos missiles and the coming up of a textile park in Lucknow reflect the level of growth here. I never made any tall claims but have tried silently to effect a gradual makeover of the state capital.

A lot of infrastructural facilities are on the anvil and they will be delivered in the days to come. The ambitious 104 km outer ring road is 90 per cent ready and should be dedicated to the public by next November. I will never let the growth of Lucknow retard due to the paucity of funds. I may be busy with national responsibilities but ensure that the development projects of my constituency keep on the right and speedy track.

Q. Will you be contesting in 2024?

A.  I hope so.

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