A day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the repeal of the farm laws, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Saturday urged him not to share the stage with Union Minister of State for Home Ajay Mishra during the DGPs conference here keeping in mind farmers’ interest.She also sought the removal of Mishra from his post over the Lakhimpur Kheri violence in which his son is an accused.Priyanka Gandhi made the appeal to the prime minister through a letter that she read out in front of reporters hours before the commencement of the DGPs conference.”Yesterday, while addressing the countrymen, you had said that with true mind and pious heart and keeping in mind the interests of the farmers, an unprecedented decision to repeal the farm laws were taken. If this is true, then getting justice delivered to the families affected by the Lakhimpur Kheri violence should be your top priority,” the Congress general secretary said.”But, Union Minister of State for Home Ajay Mishra ‘Teni’ still remains a member of your council of ministers. If you share the stage in the (DGPs) conference with the father of the accused (Ashish Mishra), then a clear message will go to the aggrieved families that you are still with those persons, who are giving patronage to the murderers”.
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