We need to stringently seek legal accountability for climate action


We need to stringently seek legal accountability for climate action

Dia echoed her thoughts saying that the planet can provide for our needs but not for endless greed. The actress said, “The only way forward is to work with the environment. The way to truly build sustainable economies is with nature. India is an old civilisation which has always honoured nature and we need to go back to our roots and relearn the basics of living in congruence with the environment.”Talking about the need of the hour; moving to green energy, Mohammed said, “It is important to deliver solutions, grow economies but not on the back of the planet and move away from fossil fuels. The climate crisis has escalated to astronomical levels and it is important to act now to strengthen the environment along with a sustainable economy.”Both said that the contribution of youth remains the key factor to fight the evil of the climate crisis and that we need to raise awareness around the concept of sustainable development and moving to a lifestyle where co-existence with other species is of the essence.

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