Faith in Ram and firecrackers!


Faith in Ram and firecrackers!

Our man AK has come to the conclusion that no amount of good governance, building health infrastructure or investing in education will cut much ice with the voters. So, after he returned from Ayodhya, the Delhi Government built a replica of Ram Mandir. A 30-foot-high and 80-foot-wide structure came up at the Thyagaraj Stadium Complex as part of Aam Aadmi Party’s ‘Dilli Ki Diwali’ celebrations. Now, if one were to put things in the sequential order of their occurrence will one see a pattern emerging – a dangerous pattern where religion is again being blatantly embedded into the political narrative. Sadly, it is a party that promised clean and principled play in this cesspool of politics when it emerged. What this would do to AAP is anybody’s guess but one thing is for sure that all this is making Delhi BJP very tense and wary.It must be really painful for the BJP Bhakts to see their agenda being hijacked. Even Ravana did not breach the Lakhshman Rekha, so how is AAP entering this sanctum sanctorum of BJP is something that must be bothering the saffron party. Suddenly the Aam Aadmi Party is looking like a mirror image of the BJP!Faith & firecrackers: Not ones to give in easily, one of the city MPs from the BJP made lot of noise over firecracker ban during Diwali celebrations in Delhi. He accused AAP of bulldozing matters of faith. Bulldozing – it’s turned out to be indeed except it’s with an agenda the BJP called its own.Whether it was such a nudge or tacit approval of the local BJP leaders – some Dilliwalahs went about bursting crackers with aplomb. Ironically, a resident of Lutyens Delhi who tried to be a messiah at COP26 UN Climate Summit at Glasgow did not utter a word about the deteriorating air quality in Delhi as a result of cracker bursting.

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