Most suicide helpline numbers in Hyderabad do not work


Most suicide helpline numbers are not reachable or do not exist or are constantly busy

HYDERABAD: Most suicide helpline numbers are not reachable or do not exist or are constantly busy, say people seeking help from suicidal tendencies.

These numbers are available on Google on several articles and websites. People say that when they look for helpline numbers online, they say that hardly anybody answers the call or even if they do they do not know how to talk due to language barriers and they are not sensitive enough.

September 10 is observed as ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’ that focuses on the message that suicide can be prevented. The major way people try to ask for help is through helpline numbers. A person who wanted help due to her uncontrollable suicidal tendency referred to an article online that mentioned at least ten suicide helpline numbers, unfortunately, none of them picked up, said the person seeking help.

When Deccan Chronicle referred to the same article and dialed a few numbers none of them picked up the call either or the numbers did not exist. DC also tried to dial other numbers displayed online, of which few private NGOs did pick up the call. The ones who picked up said that the major reason people feel like killing themselves is because they feel extremely lonely. They initially search for methods of committing suicide online but often end up calling suicide prevention helpline numbers instead.

A director of a NGO, Johnson Thomas who runs the NGO for the past 23 years said that earlier people used to feel like ending their lives because of love failure and exam stress majorly. However now there are several issues like no economical support, emotional support, peer pressure, abusive parents, partners who do not understand the person and lack of jobs. “People who take loans are also among the ones who want to commit suicide. They are constantly tortured and are also threatened about their photos being morphed and used on adulterated websites,” said Johnson.

He added that family and friends at a point of time just let go of these people and get tired of helping them fight their addiction, be it gambling or alcohol. The ones who need help feel excluded from society and just need someone to help them emotionally and motivate them. They cannot deal with stress and need people to make them feel safe and positive.

The following numbers are available online through articles and websites that do not work:

A number displayed by NIH: National Institute of Mental Health said people who need help can text HELLO 741741. No messages were delivered on that number.

Roshni helpline: 914066202000

Sneha helpline: 04424640050

Arpita helpline: 011-23655557

Sanjivini helpline: 911124311918

Icall helpline: 022-25521111

Snehi Organisation: 011-265-21415

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