Climate change new threat for India? 6,000 dead, Rs 60,000 crore washed away in rains-


Climate change new threat for India? 6,000 dead, Rs 60,000 crore washed away in rains-

Express News Service

NEW DELHI: With climate change increasing the risk of extreme weather events like flooding, nearly 6,000 people lost their lives, and incurred damages worth Rs 59,000 crore, which is nearly equivalent to one-third of the country’s infrastructure budget for the road and highways sector, due to floods in the last three years.

The figures reflect only the data reported by 70 per cent of the states as several major states like Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu along with nearly half-dozen states/UTs did not share the data related to damages caused due to floods.

If the country-wide data is available, the cost of damage due to floods could be much higher.  

The data on damages due to heavy rain and floods is compiled by the Central Water Commission (CWC) after receipt of confirmation from respective States.

The data shows that 1839 lives were lost while Rs 21,849 crore damages were caused to crops, houses, and other public utilities in 2018 while 2754 died and Rs 15,863 crore damages were incurred.

The floods in several states in 2020 left 1365 dead and damages worth Rs 21,190 crore were caused, the data was shared by the Ministry of Jal Shakti in Lok Sabha in response to a question.

An assessment of a sectoral and regional analysis for the 2030s report by the union environment ministry shows that a rise in temperatures would increase flood events in frequency during the end of the century (2071-2100).

“Temperatures in the Himalayan region are projected to rise up to 2.6 degrees Celsius and also increase in intensity by 2-12 percent by 2030s. This will result in increased flash flood events leading to large-scale landslides and loss of agricultural area affecting food security,” stated the report.

Several states in the country saw massive floods this monsoon due to extreme rainfall events and it is becoming a regular phenomenon and expected to intensify in coming years, according to climate experts.   

“We see a rise in ocean surface temperatures of up to 1.2-1.4 deg C in the Arabian Sea, which has resulted in a 50 percent increase in intense cyclones and a three-fold rise in extreme rainfall events causing floods across India.

Climate projections indicate an increase of up to 3.8 deg C in the Indian Ocean by the end of the century if we do not cut down carbon emissions.

This would affect the most vulnerable population in South Asia,” said Roxy Mathew Koll, a senior climate scientist at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology.


In data collected from on 70% states, around 6,000 Indians lost lives due to extreme rainfall and almost Rs 60,000 crores worth damages were incurred.

Extreme weather events like flooding led to deaths of nearly 6,000 people and damages worth Rs 59,000 crore.

If the country-wide data is available, the cost of damage due to floods could be much higher.  

The figures reflect only the data reported by 70% of the states in the country.

The data on damages due to heavy rain and floods is compiled by the Central Water Commission.

The data shows that 1839 lives were lost while Rs 21,849 crore damages were caused to crops, houses, and other public utilities in 2018 while 2754 died and Rs 15,863 crore damages were incurred.

The floods in several states in 2020 left 1365 dead and damages worth Rs 21,190 crore were caused.

NEW DELHI: With climate change increasing the risk of extreme weather events like flooding, nearly 6,000 people lost their lives, and incurred damages worth Rs 59,000 crore, which is nearly equivalent to one-third of the country’s infrastructure budget for the road and highways sector, due to floods in the last three years.

The figures reflect only the data reported by 70 per cent of the states as several major states like Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu along with nearly half-dozen states/UTs did not share the data related to damages caused due to floods.

If the country-wide data is available, the cost of damage due to floods could be much higher.  

The data on damages due to heavy rain and floods is compiled by the Central Water Commission (CWC) after receipt of confirmation from respective States.

The data shows that 1839 lives were lost while Rs 21,849 crore damages were caused to crops, houses, and other public utilities in 2018 while 2754 died and Rs 15,863 crore damages were incurred.

The floods in several states in 2020 left 1365 dead and damages worth Rs 21,190 crore were caused, the data was shared by the Ministry of Jal Shakti in Lok Sabha in response to a question.

An assessment of a sectoral and regional analysis for the 2030s report by the union environment ministry shows that a rise in temperatures would increase flood events in frequency during the end of the century (2071-2100).

“Temperatures in the Himalayan region are projected to rise up to 2.6 degrees Celsius and also increase in intensity by 2-12 percent by 2030s. This will result in increased flash flood events leading to large-scale landslides and loss of agricultural area affecting food security,” stated the report.

Several states in the country saw massive floods this monsoon due to extreme rainfall events and it is becoming a regular phenomenon and expected to intensify in coming years, according to climate experts.   

“We see a rise in ocean surface temperatures of up to 1.2-1.4 deg C in the Arabian Sea, which has resulted in a 50 percent increase in intense cyclones and a three-fold rise in extreme rainfall events causing floods across India.

Climate projections indicate an increase of up to 3.8 deg C in the Indian Ocean by the end of the century if we do not cut down carbon emissions.

This would affect the most vulnerable population in South Asia,” said Roxy Mathew Koll, a senior climate scientist at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology.


In data collected from on 70% states, around 6,000 Indians lost lives due to extreme rainfall and almost Rs 60,000 crores worth damages were incurred.

Extreme weather events like flooding led to deaths of nearly 6,000 people and damages worth Rs 59,000 crore.

If the country-wide data is available, the cost of damage due to floods could be much higher.  

The figures reflect only the data reported by 70% of the states in the country.

The data on damages due to heavy rain and floods is compiled by the Central Water Commission.

The data shows that 1839 lives were lost while Rs 21,849 crore damages were caused to crops, houses, and other public utilities in 2018 while 2754 died and Rs 15,863 crore damages were incurred.

The floods in several states in 2020 left 1365 dead and damages worth Rs 21,190 crore were caused.

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