Draghi seeks new ‘pact’ of trust for Italy government to survive-


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ROME: Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi said Wednesday that the only way out of a debilitating political crisis was for a new ‘pact’ between bickering parties.

“The only way forward if we want to stay together is to rebuild afresh this (government) pact with courage, selflessness, credibility,” Draghi told the Senate. “Are you ready to rebuild this pact?”

ROME: Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi said Wednesday that the only way out of a debilitating political crisis was for a new ‘pact’ between bickering parties.

“The only way forward if we want to stay together is to rebuild afresh this (government) pact with courage, selflessness, credibility,” Draghi told the Senate. “Are you ready to rebuild this pact?”

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