Congress flags economic crisis, security situation, assault on institutions in resolutions passed at CWC meet


Congress flags economic crisis, security situation, assault on institutions in resolutions passed at CWC meet

6. Resolution on the attack on democracy :Expressing concerns over the attack on democratic institutions and judiciary being debilitated, the resolution passed by the grand old party said, “India is no longer regarded as a democracy, it has earned the label of an electoral autocracy. Parliament has been contemptuously disregarded.”“The judiciary has been debilitated by not filling vacancies in the courts and tribunals. Independent watchdog bodies like the Information Commission, Election Commission, and the Human Rights Commission have been debased and rendered virtual ciphers”.7. Resolution on the attack on mediaOn media, CWC resolution said, “The media has been threatened into meek submission through raids and false cases”.Urging all democratic parties to unite to defend the values on which the country was founded on, the resolution passed by Congress’ highest decision-making body said, “The Congress Party will resist every sinister attempt to convert the country into a surveillance and police state. Under the Modi government, the constitutional promise of liberty and justice for all has receded into a vain hope.”“The CWC believes that it is duty to sound the alarm bells. We do so and call upon all democratic parties and forces to join hands to resolutely oppose the Modi government to protect the values on which our country was founded and to advance the causes of the people,” said the CWC resolution.

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