Never too late to quit tobacco, says doctor


The dangers of tobacco are well advertised and known, yet smokers and tobacco chewers continue to risk their lives and endanger those around them. Each year, eight million people die from tobacco use, dying at the rate of over 900 people each hour. — ANI

Hyderabad: On the eve of World No Tobacco Day, there is a simple message for everyone who consumes tobacco – no matter how old you are, how healthy or unhealthy you are, no matter which social class or category — there is good news. Quit, now.

This year, the day is being observed worldwide with a theme, ‘Protect the environment’.  


According to the WHO, “harmful impact of tobacco on the environment is vast; adding unnecessary pressure to our planet’s already fragile ecosystems.”
So your one decision, without delaying any moment, will make you, and our planet, healthier.


The dangers of tobacco are well advertised and known, yet smokers and tobacco chewers continue to risk their lives and endanger those around them. Each year, eight million people die from tobacco use, dying at the rate of over 900 people each hour.

The WHO commitment to observe May 31 as the World No Tobacco Day reminds us about various ill effects of tobacco. The biggest risks of tobacco use include over 20 types of cancer, increased risks of heart ailments, harm to every single organ and function, and premature aging, impotence and early death.


Smokers even suffer more dangerous effects when infected with Covid and have a higher need of intensive care. How to quit? Fortunately there are ways to quit safely with minimal withdrawal effects using multiple techniques, including medications and counseling .One approach is called the Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist and Arrange.

Many centers have trained counselors who will help in the journey to becoming tobacco free. Quitting is a process and may take several attempts but taking the first step is crucial.

The person trying to stop tobacco use must make every attempt possible to avoid places and situations where a trigger may encourage smoking. Smokers must also try to distract their hand to mouth habit by taking up other activities, including going for a walk or a hobby like painting. Quit today and enjoy good health. Don’t delay, it is your life.


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