Baby formula shortage not a problem in Mexico, parents say


Baby formula shortage not a problem in Mexico, parents say

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TIJUANA, Mexico – Baby formula can be easily found south of the U.S. despite the shortage, parents in a Mexican border town told Fox News. “Well, right now, when I got the formula, I’ve seen two, three people getting formula from the other side,” Jorge, of Tijuana, said. “They have it everywhere at the pharmacies, any store.”As the United States deals with a baby formula shortage due to a recall and pandemic-related supply chain issues, some Americans told Fox News they’re purchasing baby formula from Mexico. The shortage prompted President Biden to invoke the Defense Production Act to ensure manufacturers have the necessary supplies for baby formula production. “The very first Costco that I got [to], the formula is here,” said Francisco, who was looking to purchase formula on behalf of his adult son in the U.S. “He’s not able just to get it in the States.”BREAST MILK BOUGHT ONLINE AMID BABY FORMULA SHORTAGE COULD HARM INFANT HEALTH, PEDIATRIC DIETITIAN WARNS
Rows of baby formula at a Costco in Tijuana, Mexico. (Fox News Digital/Jon Michael Raasch)
“He knows that right here in Tijuana, it seems that there are plenty of it,” Francisco continued.Carla, the mother of a 2-year-old, told Fox News: “I don’t know anyone who has problems finding” baby formula. BABY FORMULA SHORTAGE: OUT-OF-STOCK RATES SURGE TO 70%
Baby formula stocks the shelves at a local pharmacy in Tijuana, Mexico. (Fox News Digital/Jon Michael Raasch)
Another Tijuana mother, Melanie, said: “I haven’t had problems, but I know a lot of moms from a Facebook group who live in the U.S.A., and they are like crazy trying to get the milk.””A lot of them come to Tijuana to buy,” Melanie added. AMID BABY FORMULA SHORTAGE, MOTHERS EXPRESS FEAR, ONE RECEIVING PRODUCT FROM MEXICOOne of the causes of the baby formula shortage in the U.S. was a recall of baby formula products by producer Abbot Nutrition. Abbott and the federal government have taken steps to alleviate the problem, but it could take up to two months before shelves are stocked again, FDA Commissioner Robert Califf said Thursday.Brenda, a U.S. native purchasing formula in Tijuana told Fox News: “One of my friends, she lives in [Los Angeles], so she’s having problems … because they’re out of formula.”
Brenda talks about the baby formula supplies in Mexico (Fox News Digital/Jon Michael Raasch)
“If they’re having problems finding their formula in U.S., they can just cross the border and then buy it here in pharmacies or any store you can find it,” Brenda continued.CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APPFrancisco echoed her comments.”It’s going to be not difficult for anybody in the states just to come over and try to get something,” he said.Melanie told Fox News: “I buy formula from the pharmacy, so I don’t have problems. But I know there’s a problem.”

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