Will Air India help us in a situation like Gulf War? Ask Unions, Tata Sons has no answer


Tata Sons win bid to acquire Air India; official announcement expected soon

NH contacted Tata Sons for their version, but the call and email went unanswered. However, a source close to the group said, “We have just won the bid. Even we have not taken handover yet. How can anything be said on such assumptions?” Attacking the Modi government for handing over the national asset virtually as a gift to Tata Sons, the CTU said, “The policy of the government to sell every public sector asset is not only disastrous but it is also a policy which goes against people’s interest and is anti-national”. Trade unions vehemently opposed the privatisation of Air India arguing that the interests of the workers will be compromised. In this case, Tata Sons have given only one year guarantee for the protection of jobs. “Those serving would be adversely affected as the workers are given protection for one year only. A large number of employees are in the age group of 40-55 years which renders them ineligible for jobs in other companies,” said the umbrella body of the union.

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