Canada’s Trudeau rebuked by some members of European Parliament for treatment of convoy protesters


Canada's Trudeau rebuked by some members of European Parliament for treatment of convoy protesters

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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met with scathing rebuke from some Members of European Parliament (MEP) last week after he delivered a speech to the European Union.Independent Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakusic accused Trudeau of engaging in “dictatorship of the worst kind” because of how his government treated the peaceful Freedom Convoy in February.”Under your quasi-liberal boot in recent months,” said Kolakusic, “we watched how you trample women with horses, how you block the bank accounts of single parents so that they can’t even pay their children’s education and medicine, that they can’t pay utilities, mortgages for their homes.”Alternative for Germany MEP Christine Anderson also called out Trudeau, calling him “a disgrace for any democracy.”CANADIAN CLERGY REBUKE TRUDEAU FOR INVOKING EMERGENCIES ACT, OTHER ‘TYRANNICAL ACTIONS’Another Alternative for Germany MEP, Bernhard Zimniok, echoed Anderson, tweeting, “I’m overwhelmed by the support and appreciation of the Canadian people, which means a lot to me! Because of that, I published the speech with English translation. Unfortunately, the interpreter ignored that I mentioned the freezing of 200 bank accounts.”VIGILS PLANNED AT CANADIAN CONSULATES IN US TO PROTEST IMPRISONMENT OF PASTOR WHO PREACHED TO FREEDOM CONVOYRomanian MEP Cristian Terheș boycotted Trudeau’s speech entirely.Trudeau has also faced backlash at home for how he responded to the Freedom Convoy.Video circulated widely on social media in February of police decked out in riot gear cracking down on convoy protesters in Ottawa by arresting them, tear-gassing them, and deploying officers on horseback through the crowds. One woman was reportedly trampled by a horse, according to footage of the incident.
Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau comments on the ongoing truckers mandate protest during a news conference on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada, on Feb. 14, 2022.
(Photo by DAVE CHAN/AFP via Getty Images)A group of Canadian clergy sent an open letter to Prime Minister Trudeau last month rebuking him for invoking the Emergencies Act to quell the Freedom Convoy and for other actions they described as “tyrannical.”CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP”We are writing to you as representative pastors of Christian congregations from across the nation and as law-abiding citizens who respect the God-defined role of civil government and uphold the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the highest law of our land, which recognizes the supremacy of God over all human legislation,” read the letter, which was signed by 29 clergymen.

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