Hyderabad: The State Anti Narcotics Bureau (TGNAB), Cyberabad police and the drug disposal committee on Tuesday destroyed 872 kg of drugs worth Rs 2,25,93,285 that was seized in 37 cases in the city. Destroyed were 845.281 kg of ganja, three ganja plants weighing 61 grams, 26.819 kg of ganja chocolates, 7.5 ml of hashish oil, 9.168 grams of MDMA and 502 grams of alprazolam.Hyderabad: Man Caught with Gold and Mobile Worth ₹4.5 Lakh at Railway StationHyderabad: The Hyderabad railway police on Tuesday apprehended Yousuf Ghori, 21. for involvement in theft at Platform No. 4 of the station at 9 am on Tuesday. He was found in possession of a mobile phone and gold ornaments worth `4.5 lakh. Police said he had a previous case of theft.
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