’21st century poised to become Asian century’: Mani Shankar Aiyer


'21st century poised to become Asian century': Mani Shankar Aiyer

BENGALURU: After 500 years of world domination by Western nations, the pendulum is finally swinging back. The resurgence of Asian economies, cultures, and ideas is signalling the dawn of a new Asian century, not as a conquest, but as a revival of historical continuity, said former union minister Mani Shankar Aiyar.He was speaking at the inaugural function of the 4th edition of the Alliance Literary Festival organized by Alliance University on Thursday. The ex-diplomat said, “The question now arises: Are we witnessing the onset of an American century in Asia, or are we standing at the threshold of a genuine Asian century?”He said, “Recent events around the world hint that the American empire may have reached its zenith and begun its terminal decline. The 21st century is poised to become the Asian century, not through domination but through dialogue; not through conquest, but collaboration. It is time for us to reclaim the Asian legacy of innovation, resilience, and intellectual achievement.”“The Asian century is not a future to be constructed from scratch. It is a past to be revived and reimagined. It does not reject global engagement but invites the world into a dialogue where Asia plays a leading role,” Aiyar added.

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