19 Manipur BJP MLAs reportedly seek removal of CM N Biren Singh


19 Manipur BJP MLAs reportedly seek removal of CM N Biren Singh

The MLAs expressed deep concerns over the current situation in Manipur, including the shortage of essential commodities and escalating prices.They said the state’s revenue and tax collection has been greatly hampered, thus badly affecting the economy.“At this juncture, the people of Manipur are raising questions before us, particularly the BJP-led government, as to why peace and normalcy cannot be restored and why the plight of the people could not be alleviated yet. Voices have been raised from the public that MLAs should resign if a solution is not brought soon,” the letter read.“We, as fervent supporters of the BJP and having won the mandate of the people, feel that we have the responsibility of saving Manipur along with saving BJP from downfall in Manipur. At the present juncture, taking a cue from the trend and dynamics of the conflict and strife between the two communities, we strongly feel that removal of the present incumbent Chief Minister is the only solution,” the letter further read.It cautioned that the longer the conflict continue, the more irreparable the damages would be.It also insisted that reconciliation and peace could be ensured only through ‘dialogue and meaningful engagement in a multi-pronged manner’.“The need of the hour is to examine the crucial factors that are hampering the initiation of dialogue and take action to create a conducive atmosphere which will facilitate the same… We implore again to take immediate and necessary action to start the peace dialogue with all stakeholders to save Manipur before it’s too late,” the letter added.

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