“As the most important festival of Maha Kumbh, Mauni Amavasya is the focal point of the event’s arrangements. This year, with the Yogi Adityanath government’s efforts to make Maha Kumbh more grand and divine, a record number of devotees are expected to gather in Prayagraj,” it said.”To prioritise the convenience of devotees, instructions have been issued to minimise movement between zones, particularly at Sangam Nose, from January 27 to 29,” the government said.”A 12-kilometer-long ghat has been constructed for easy access and bathing. Devotees are being encouraged to bathe at the ghat closest to their entry point and return from there without moving to other zones. Evacuation teams will be deployed to prevent overcrowding at the ghats, with safe evacuation of devotees being a top priority for the administration,” it added.To ensure effective crowd control, key resources such as ropes, loud hailers, whistles, flying squads and watch tower teams will be deployed to ensure 100 percent control on hard barriers and barricades.Emphasis will be placed on the presence of central forces and seamless coordination at these locations.Temporary holding areas, parking facilities, and overnight stay arrangements will be established at institutions, if necessary, to further manage the crowd.The government said the infrastructure at the ghats is being reinforced to accommodate the large number of devotees.Provisions include river barricading, water police, watch towers, improved lighting, clear signage, toilets, changing rooms, and comprehensive cleanliness measures.Being held after 12 years, the Maha Kumbh, considered world’s largest spiritual gathering and a key Hindu pilgrimage at Triveni Sangam, kicked off on January 13 and will continue till February 26.
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